How Office Pantry Can Entice Employees Back to Your San Francisco & Sacramento Office

Sacramento Office Snacks | San Francisco Hybrid Workplace | Break Room Coffee Brewers

How Office Pantry Can Entice Employees Back to Your San Francisco & Sacramento Office

Sacramento Office Snacks | San Francisco Hybrid Workplace | Break Room Coffee Brewers

Heading back to the office when working from home or a hybrid set-up has become the norm poses a challenge. Yet, there are many benefits to working away from home. Harvard Business Review reports that working in the office can boost collaboration and problem-solving. Plus, working in the same space can increase a sense of purpose among your San Francisco and Sacramento employees.

One way to entice employees to return to the office is a break room upgrade. Services like an office pantry or micro market offer an attractive employee perk.

What Is Office Pantry Service?

Imagine you’re working on a project when hunger strikes. Instead of scrambling to see if you brought a granola bar to work, you head to the break room. There, you find a range of tasty San Francisco and Sacramento snacks. including fresh fruit and healthy options. You don’t even have to pay. It’s all free, provided by your company.

This is the benefit of an office pantry. It offers convenient refreshments that improve the workplace experience. Plus, employees might run into a colleague who is grabbing a glass of water and strike up a conversation. This opens the door for collaboration and building positive relationships.

How Can an Office Pantry Improve Your Workplace?

A pantry service provides many benefits. Here are just a few:

    • Employees feel valued. When they can enjoy free refreshments, they feel their employer is concerned about their needs.
    • It saves time. Instead of heading off-site to buy a snack, employees can find satisfying options in the break room.
    • It builds a sense of camaraderie. Everyone visits the break room. This creates opportunities for informal chats and brainstorming sessions. When people feel a sense of community in the workplace, they feel more invested in the mission of your company.
    • It complements other break room services. Add a San Francisco and Sacramento office coffee service so that employees can enjoy a latte alongside their snack.

Alternatives to an Office Pantry Service

Sacramento Self-Checkout Markets | San Francisco Free Vend | Healthy Office Snack Solutions

A pantry service isn’t the only way to improve your break room. Try these other services that will also boost engagement and employee satisfaction.

Subsidized Micro markets

A subsidized micro market is a great compromise. Instead of paying for all snacks, you can offer a discounted rate on some snacks. Or, you can offer some items, such as healthy options, for free. That way, you can incentivize healthy choices.

A micro market offers more choices than an office pantry. Another idea is to add money to your employees’ accounts each month. That way, they can spend it in the micro market whenever they’d like. This makes the expense predictable each month.

Subsidized Vending Machines

You can use a similar approach with San Francisco and Sacramento vending machines. Offer vouchers to employees. You can also add a discount to some or all items, offering your team snacks at a lower cost. Or, reward your team with free vend days.

PVS Refreshments Can Transform Your Break Room to Improve the Employee Experience

Enhance your break room to boost morale and improve the employee experience. Adding break room services creates a space for your team to relax, connect with others, and refuel.

Get in touch with PVS Refreshments at (844) 527-4800 to talk about your break room upgrade today! Together, we can create a successful path for employees to return to the office with enthusiasm.