08 Nov Free Vend in San Francisco Offers Multiple Benefits

Everyone needs to feel appreciated, including San Francisco employees. Providing free vend in the workplace break room is just one way to express employee appreciation. While each organization in San Francisco has a different culture, there are several things that create a universal feeling of appreciation and are enjoyed by almost everyone.
How to Show Appreciation
The first one applies specifically to the break room. Ask for your employees’ opinions about which snacks, beverages and fresh food they would like to have available for free vend.
Also connected to the break room, would be to survey everyone about the type of environment or vibe they want in their break room. The right combination of refreshments at no cost plus a welcoming environment is sure to encourage employees to stay on-site when they need to re-hydrate or grab a bite to eat.
The next three ways to show appreciation don’t have to be connected to the break room, but they can be. Offer employees special treats or meals that aren’t usually available in the break room such as ‘Waffle Wednesday’ or ‘Freshly Baked Cookie Friday.’ Donuts from a favorite bakery or popular pizza are also great options.
In the non-food arena, giving employees who have gone above what was expected extra time off acknowledges their effort and time. Not acknowledging their time and effort can silently convey to everyone that they, the employees and their coworkers, receive no benefit for putting in the extra work.
Another way to express appreciation is to perform random acts of kindness. Everyone has heard the story about one person in line purchasing a coffee for the person behind them. To the person who received the coffee, the experience was a random act of kindness. The same can be done for your San Francisco employees. A simple thank you note or someone’s favorite snack are acts of kindness that show appreciation.

Why Show Appreciation
At the surface, expressing appreciation for your San Francisco employees improves engagement, retention and motivation, especially during the holiday season. But dig a bit deeper and see a positive impact on employee work/life balance.
In a recent article published by O.C. Tanner, “Showing gratitude can increase a person’s wellness, increase better sleep habits, increase metabolism and lessen stress. This directly impacts work results and employee interaction. With employee appreciation, you’re not only boosting performance and engagement, but the employee’s well-being and health.”
Drill down a bit further to the core and find that increased appreciation causes more positive interactions which then has even more positive ripple effects moving outward. That sounds like a good thing for everyone.
While PVS Refreshments can’t perform random acts of kindness directly for your San Francisco employees, we can help you customize the perfect break room. Whether it’s free vend, a micro-market or coffee service, your employees will know that you appreciate all that they do. For more information, please call PVS Refreshments at 844.527.4800.