15 Aug 5 Surprising Benefits of Micro Breaks for Sacramento Employees
Did you know that just one five-minute break can boost employee health? That’s correct! Micro breaks can help Sacramento employees reboot their brains. Additionally, taking a mini break relaxes the body.
Still not convinced? Here are five surprising reasons why micro breaks are essential for your staff.
Micro Breaks Boost Productivity
While it may seem counter-intuitive, taking breaks actually promotes productivity. If an employee is feeling tired, they can take a quick stroll to the Sacramento break room. These mini breaks will boost a groggy employee’s energy levels. As a result, they’ll feel re-energized and refocused. This allows them to be more productive and conquer their to-do list.
Recharges and Refuels
Snacks are micro break must-haves. For instance, eating an apple can increase your sugar level and metabolism. Healthy snacks will instantly perk a tired employee right up.
To help your team feel their best, stock your Sacramento micro-market with nutritious snacks. Fresh fruits and nutrient-dense protein bars are great options. So are sparkling water and green tea!
Are you wondering what you should keep in your break room? PVS Refreshments will help you pick the perfect products for your staff! Whether you need yummy snacks or Sacramento refreshment services, we’ve got you covered.
Calms Your Mind and Body
Taking a mini break can help your crew relax. If an employee is feeling stressed, they can step away from their desk. A micro break gives them a chance to unwind. They can stretch or take a quick walk around the office. Better yet, they can chat with a colleague in the break room.
Your break room can be a fantastic social area for employees to relax. They can catch up with a coworker. Alternatively, they can work on a crossword puzzle. These simple activities promote relaxation. Not to mention, your employees won’t get burnt out!
Encourages Autonomy
Micro breaks enable your employees to take breaks on their own terms. They don’t have to wait for their lunch hour to roll around for a quick rest. Instead, your employees can grab a snack from a Sacramento vending machine or micro-market.
Giving your staff more autonomy will increase employee satisfaction. As a result, you can also improve employee retention. That’s a win for everybody!
Promotes Workplace Wellness
Lastly, mini breaks can promote corporate wellness. Employees can curb their hunger by enjoying a healthy snack. They can also improve their mood by chatting with a colleague. This ensures your staff stays happy and healthy!
Encourage Micro Breaks in Your Sacramento Office
Encourage your staff to take more mini breaks with amazing break room solutions from PVS Refreshments. Whether you need office coffee and tea or healthy snacks, we can help!
To learn more, call us today at (844) 527-4800. We’ll inspire your team to take more micro breaks!